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Krause Emperor bricks add a Neo-Deco style to Hawthorn East

There’s nothing like the buzz and excitement in a quiet suburban street following the completion of a newly built home. Especially one that not only breaks the mould, but anchors the design to the area’s traditional heritage style. Thanks to Sepehr Toghyani, of Melbourne’s Zeno Entity Architects, and owner/builder Tomasz Szmyd, that’s exactly the outcome in Hawthorn East.

Inspired by the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, Sepehr set out to create a dramatic impact with a dominant brick façade for the two new dwellings sitting snugly, side by side.

But what Sepehr masterfully created was something significantly more exciting: a Neo-Deco style – the perfect balance of classic architecture with modern influence. While Krause’s Emperor bricks in Autumn tones delivered the classical art deco look, the brick’s long and narrow geometry helped to achieve a more modern, contemporary style.

“The brick façade we have created stands proud and elegant, without being overly offensive,“ says Sepehr. But it’s not only the brick itself, but also the way it was laid and the design pattern used that made the difference to this project. Sepehr continues, “There is a juxtaposition in the design and detail of the house – by recessing one row of bricks and creating a pattern adds a vertical element, which breaks down the large surface area of the façade. The recesses in the surface and the geometry of the bricks can be used to create intricate patterns.”

And what fabulous patterns they are. Not surprisingly, Tomasz is highly complimentary of bricklayer Chris Reid, of The Third Little Pig, describing Chris as “A master artist in hardened clay, whose expert cutting and curving of the Krause bricks made all the difference to the end result.” As you can see from the images, the home is simply incredible.

Of course, selecting an avant-garde material can sometimes be daunting for the owners. But in this case, Tomasz is quick to deliver praise, “The Kruse bricks were the perfect solution for what we wanted to achieve. I like everything about them, the shape – the long, slim profile – and the colour beautifully complemented the other materials we used. But also the way we laid them, with the stitching next to the pier, and the curves at the front. They’re very elegant, and add an element of surprise to the design.”

Actually Tomasz and Sepehr are not the only ones who love these locally made bricks. “Since the build, I’ve had so many people inquire about them,” says Tomasz. And when asked if they’ll use Krause Emperor bricks again, a resounding yes is their reply. So watch this space, it seems you could see many more Krause bricks being used in your neighbourhood.

For more information on this project, please contact Robertson’s Building Products on (03) 8199 9599.

Architect: Sepehr Toghyani, Zeno Entity Architects

Builder: Tomasz Szmyd

Bricklayer: Chris Reid, The Third Little Pig

Product: Krause Emperor bricks, Autumn

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