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Petersen Flensborg bricks and copper superbly combine, producing a timeless palette in Elwood

Petersen FF48 handmade bricks work well with copper

Working with an owner who has a passion for trades, a strong work ethic, absolute attention to detail and faultless project management skills is a dream come true for any architect. Particularly when building a new residential dwelling, complete with three storeys, four bedrooms and a subterranean level on an extremely tight construction site.

But that’s exactly what Anthony Dann, of Pleysier Perkins experienced with owner Ben Young last year when building his contemporary family home in Melbourne’s Elwood.

Working in close harmony with his architects, Ben project managed the entire build. Anthony comments, “Austin House was a highlight project for us last year. Ben was amazing the way he was able to organise and be organised, and he managed the quality of every trade.” And it shows. His attention to detail ensured that no stone was left unturned, and along with some clever design work, and faultless material choice, what resulted was a timeless design that he and his family will enjoy for years to come.

Slim profile Petersen Flensborg bricks FF48

In fact, it was Ben who searched for and selected one of the most striking features of the house – the bricks. Ben chose Petersen’s low profile Flensborg format bricks (228 x 108 x 40mm) because, “They were a bit more rustic and special being handmade.”

And Anthony instantly loved them, too. “I’d use them anytime and every time if I could. I love the colour and shape variation offered in Petersen bricks, and particularly the fact that they’re handmade, which is really detectable by the eye. Those subtle little shifts and changes in each brick, when added up and put on a wall, the eye knows that it’s a really special brick, just like an artwork” says Anthony.

But what absolutely sets this project apart, and is turning heads in Elwood, is the stunning combination of copper with the Petersen FF48 bricks. As Anthony says, “It’s just such a beautiful palette, they are really lovely materials together. And they’re both timeless, so this home really is built to last.”

In fact, it’s the unique combination of clever design, quality craftsmanship and timeless materials that will see this special Elwood home be enjoyed by many generations to come.

For more information on Petersen FF48 Flensborg Format bricks please contact Robertson’s Building Products on +613 8199 9599 or email

Architect: Pleysier Perkins

Builder: One Off Constructions

Photographer: Dan Hocking


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